I saw this exposure earlier; thought it described something i couldn't put to words, regarding some of the shameless tricks of Amazon and Uber:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVYG1mu ... osetheboss
sometimes, i notice greed exposing itself in a way that should call the bluff on itself. For instance, when i first saw bottled water in a soda-pop vending machine, for the same price as the Pepsi, it was like Pepsi confessing that all of the ingredients of their signature beverage didn't cost anything....or not enough to cause a coinage issue at the machine. Surely we should pay extra, by now, for the absence of ingredients. And we do, of course, in various low-fat options, or food grown without pesticides.
Last time we ventured out, into thew 'real' world (Walmart) i was staring, dumfoundedly, at the cereal selections,,,and there, above the Cheerios, were boxes of generic cheerios. The price was 1/4th of the name brand; same size. In fact, same ingredients.
Doesn't this call the bluff on General Mills? The lower price possibility is still quite profitable, given how cheap oat flour, sugar and salt are. As i looked at the labels and lists of these products, as a journalist type, i wanted to yell out "Aha! People, these corporations are ripping you off! I have proof!"
But, no...i resist. Maybe next time. Brand loyalty gets even sillier when we discover the parent company of the two products is the same. There's money to be made in low cost options. Hence, full price is very bloated. Maybe that makes the consumer feel good about themselves...like, "By god, i can afford the best!"
but no...in my sociology studies of regular life, i've found that people don't notice much or think a lot. The objective is to get it over with. Shop, pay, move on. And, turns out, stores are designed to encourage that approach. In some cases, invisible fragrances are added to manipulate behavior. Fascinating stuff.
and oddly enough, when it's exposed, it doesn't matter. It still works. Sniff that rarefied air as you enter the garden supply area: It's supplied by a hidden device that spews a bit of artificial 'fresh cut grass' aroma...and that gets you in the mood to buy a lawn mower....even when you know. Somehow, we think the emperor is wearing clothes.