trump off the CO ballot

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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:48 pm Funny how we resign ourselves to knowing that corruption will over-rule all the checks and balances.
Ya' shrug yer shoulders, and say "Can't fight City Hall!' or "They're all crooks!" etc, and get on with your business.
Until the only business there is, is corruption.
Have you come up with a viable alternative yet?

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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

no reason to answer for me.


In fact, the more i see it as an organism or an ecology, the more 'wholesome' corruption becomes.
Parasitism is the most popular niche, species # wise. Nature spends mightily on aggression; deception; defense; decoration.
We fit right in. Like most, we'll likely go extinct. If raccoons could figure out how, they'd probably do the same dumb shit as we.
should we want to sustain the human experiment, we'd need some serious behavior modification and re-tooling. I could take some educated guesses of possible paths, though i don't see them implemented. Who doesn't have a better idea than what has unfolded?

while we sort it out, I'd hope to see 'us' put the brakes on reproduction. Though many claim we need more people. I think they're nuts. At least for now.
Willingly and peacefully reducing the population in half, within 50 years, would give us a chance. Maybe.
Deciding what babies can come on board would require sophistication beyond our capabilities.
Empowering young peasant women would help a lot.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Meadmaker »

stanky wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:40 am Deciding what babies can come on board would require sophistication beyond our capabilities.
Doing it right would require such sophistication. Just doing it is well within our abilities, and indeed has been attempted already.

Empowering young peasant women would help a lot.
But I do agree with that statement.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Meadmaker »

It looks like by the time the Colorado and Maine ballots are used, there won't be any point.

Trump had a blowout win in Iowa. I think it's safe to say the GOP nomination is locked up, to no one's surprise.

The way I see it, if Desantis or Haley wants to make an actual attempt at taking the nomination away from him, they only have one shot, and it's a long shot indeed.

They have to take the gloves off, and in a big, serious, dare I say Trumpian, way. They have to call him a liar, a fraud, and a lunatic. When they talk about January 6, and they should, they shouldn't use lofty rhetoric about a threat to democracy. They should point out that when there was a riot going on in the Capital, he was throwing plates of food at the walls and watching TV. Call him a loser. And, point out that he stabbed his supporters in the back afterwards. Point out his bankruptcies and business failures. Go 100% full on mudslinging.

And will any of that matter? To his supporters, no. But to the people in the middle, who might be inclined to say, "Maybe he's not so bad", they have to be reminded.

More importantly. it will draw Trump into the fight, and if we're lucky we'll get a full Captain Queeg moment out of it. He won't be able to keep his mouth shut, and he tends to ramble. He might just say something so stupid and/or vile that even his supporters will be shaken. He's tottering on the edge of lunacy at the best of times. Maybe he'll do something that makes it impossible for the excuse makers to deny it this time.

Or....maybe we'll get four more years of Donald Trump.

Back to the court case itself, they aren't completely irrelevant because it could have implications for the general election as well. If he can't be on a primary ballot, he can't be on the general election ballot, either. I would be stunned and amazed if they ruled against him, but exactly how they rule for him could be significant.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Admin »

Meadmaker wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:31 pm Or....maybe we'll get four more years of Donald Trump.
If you do, every Democrat should be taken out and punched in the face repeatedly.

They had one fucking job - find someone who will beat a piece of shit, and instead they went for a bloke even older than Trump.

I see DJT is actually favourite with bookies to win, and that's just insane. He should be losing like Jimmy Carter, but it looks like it will be closer than 2020.

What a fuck up.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by arthwollipot »

The judge in one of his many court cases is calling him out, at least. ... tion-trial
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

Admin wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:05 pm
Meadmaker wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:31 pm Or....maybe we'll get four more years of Donald Trump.
If you do, every Democrat should be taken out and punched in the face repeatedly.

They had one fucking job - find someone who will beat a piece of shit, and instead they went for a bloke even older than Trump.

I see DJT is actually favourite with bookies to win, and that's just insane. He should be losing like Jimmy Carter, but it looks like it will be closer than 2020.

What a fuck up.
it ain't rational.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

Admin wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:15 pm Have you come up with a viable alternative yet? ... c1dA%3D%3D
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Meadmaker »

Admin wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:05 pm
I see DJT is actually favourite with bookies to win, and that's just insane. He should be losing like Jimmy Carter, but it looks like it will be closer than 2020.

If, as seems likely, we have a rematch, what would have happened since then to get people to switch their voite.

To switch from Trump to Biden:
Post-election shenanigans, culminating in January 6.

To switch from Biden to Trump:
General perception of feebleness.
Forgetting most of the pandemic ineffectiveness, and even some people deciding that lockdowns were very bad things, perpetrated by Democrats, meanwhile forgetting who was in the White House at the time. It was a deciding factor last time, but it's yesterday's news now.
"Woke" issues. (They were a thing in 2016 and 2020, but they'll be bigger this time around, and they will favor Trump.)

In my humble opinion, the first one, the shenanigans, ought to be a disqualifier. Not necessarily legally, as the subject of this thread, but in my opinion no American ought to vote for any Presidential candidate who denies an obviously valid election. The electorate, however, seems unconcerned. Even bringing it up seems like some sort of talking point that most people have a hostile reaction against. We'll get Liz Cheney's vote, but not many more.

The second one will push some into the Democrat camp.

But the negatives for Biden are very strong. I think more people will switch on those. Even abortion, where people were complacent about four years ago, won't drive as many people to switch. Most people who are strong abortion supporters already voted Democrat.

Well, that's my analysis anyway. There's still a lot of time before November, but I think Trump has a tailwind.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by arthwollipot »

I think more people who wouldn't ordinarily vote will do so this year, and they will vote for Joe. And that's why Joe will win.
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