Planet America

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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

They were clearly a friendly crowd - the nooses were because they wanted to play Hangman while they waited for the police to politely ask them to leave.

It's the old way taken to new extremes - repeat a lie often enough and it becomes true. Fox/Carlson/MAGA have become masters at it.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Meadmaker »

And the stupid continues.

Today I heard Mike Gallagher, one of the B List right wing yappers, complain about Mitch McConnell. He wondered how McConnell couldpossibly complain about releasing the video footage. Why would Mitch want to keep it secret?

The fact that Mitch McConnell did not criticize the release of the footage was apparently irrelevant to the comments.

The pure partisanship of America today is pretty bad, but would it be too much to ask for media outlets to tell the truth, at least when it comes to things that are verifiable and not possible to dispute by honest people? Oh....I suppose the last two words are the sticking point.

Speaking of that, Tucker Carlson is in his own hot water. In the Dominion trial, some text messages were entered as evidence. In his text messages, he said that he "hates" Donald Trump, and that there is nothing good about him. But.....but......but.....that would mean he was lying?!?!? Pandering to his audience with stuff not even he believes?!?!? Say it ain't so.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

Trial is in April... how strong is Dominion’s defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in:
“I do overall believe that this is one of the strongest plaintiff’s cases that I’ve ever seen,” said attorney Lee Levine, who litigated 1st Amendment matters for 40 years. “I have a hard time envisioning a scenario in which Fox wins before a jury.”

Andrew Geronimo, director of the 1st Amendment Clinic at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, said he was taken aback by the evidence and believes Fox News is in an unenviable position as a defendant. Dominion’s motion cited numerous examples of Fox News insiders disputing the veracity of Trump’s claims in blunt terms.

“Usually, making out actual malice is all about inferences to things, what should have been discovered and what might have been overlooked,” Geronimo said. “It’s not usually so stark as ‘this is BS.’ From a defense lawyer’s perspective, it gives me the cold sweats reading this.” ... inion-case
Crazy how Dominion has become the good guys.
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Re: Planet America

Post by arthwollipot »

Can't wait.

Even better would be if this lead to the re-establishment of something like the old Fairness Doctrine. Remove partisanship from public interest news broadcasts completely. That would go a long way towards fixing American society, in my opinion.
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

No shit. Thank Reagan for that one. That fucking idiot.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

This can all be transmorgified by watching Al Jazeera with the sound down while listening to Joe Rogan.
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

Interesting take on reality Prez
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

Transmorgification can also be achieved by listening to two different songs at the same time.
This has become pretty easy with ear buds. Have a friend bring up a tune on his device, and give you the left half of his pair. You supply the right ear with something different. This is best done with mono recordings.

Actually, listening to two people talking at the same time can be sublime if you ignore any word meanings and listen as though it's two instruments making music.

Remember when you could dial a number and get a recording that went something like this:
"At the tone, the time is 9:34 and 15 seconds. Beep." You could listen to as long as you wanted. You could amplify it and use it as a jazz metronome of sorts, in jam sessions. Or, it can fill in as a vocal track, keeping perfect time. The lyrics are soothing; slightly changing; of honest intent. Doing the time at the actual time, as oppossed to pre-recording a segment of the time lady's recording.

I should have thought of this in the 60's. Sigh...

(I do have a song that is interrupted by the emergency alert system test that happens on the radio. It happens at a cliff-hanging moment in the song's lyrics; so abrupt! Blahhn-blahn-blahn!", etc.
When the song continues, equally abruptly, the lyrical moment has passed and a new line begins in the middle. Same like if it was the radio, playing your favorite song.)

Oh shit part two: I got stoned. Hope it's not obvious.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:18 pm Transmorgification can also be achieved by listening to two different songs at the same time.
Some people synch the moment in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy steps out of the tornado-tossed house into Oz - as the movie turns to color - to the start of Dark Side of the Moon.

Transmogification way better if you synch MacArthur Park.
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Re: Planet America

Post by grayman »

stanky wrote: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:18 pm

Actually, listening to two people talking at the same time can be sublime if you ignore any word meanings and listen as though it's two instruments making music.

During my university days, I thought it would be interesting doing a study comparing the music that developed within a culture to that culture's language.

Consider the music of an Asian country with that of one from Europe or Africa, and their respective languages.

A Master's thesis waiting to be written (and recorded).
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