The Religion Thread

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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by sparks »

Good luck with that stank, and keep us informed. :)
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by stanky »


doing the tongue tomorrow.
maybe dogma takes the sting out. i get a bit of a buzz when i do something semi-ridiculous.
possibly a bourbon substitute
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by grayman »

And yet no one will dare revoke the tax-exempt status of his "church".

North Texas megachurch pastor blasts Democrats as 'godless' and 'demonic' ... 716540.php
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by sparks »

If dipshits followers are gathering at his megafuck church thing, at least we'll know where they are. :idea:
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by stanky »

i'm going out now, with the new dogs, to the stinging nettles, to swat my tongue with it.
i expect it to be bad, but not life threatening. and i expect nothing in return.

hands even better now
i'm no believer though...certainly not specifics...but perhaps light formic acid treatments are useful for inflammation. the more 'medically approved' stuff sucks, so little to lose.
Funny, when researching a prescribed drug, one often reads "The mechanism of the compound is poorly understood."
Same with most plant meds. It's old wive's tales, across the board.

but the sting seems real
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by stanky »

back from daily urtication ceremony.
i did my tongue. licked the hairy underside.
(of the leaf, pervs)

braced for the worst, i felt nothing sting my tongue.
after the lips yesterday, being very intense, i was reticent.
waited, as there is a delayed reaction with the bck of the hands...takes a minute to sting.

in the name of science, i brushed the same branch on my hand. yup, the stuff.
then i did it again at a new patch, hands first to make sure it was strong, and then, flogged my tongue lightly.
again no sting. and none later. My hands are still stinging from it, an hour later.

three days ago i urticated on my butt, and later, my weenie. no sting. wtf?
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Admin »

grayman wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:02 pm And yet no one will dare revoke the tax-exempt status of his "church".

North Texas megachurch pastor blasts Democrats as 'godless' and 'demonic' ... 716540.php
I'm going 3:1 on that guy being caught in a young boy this decade. It's always those that complain the loudest.
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President Bush
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:12 pm i'm going out now, with the new dogs, to the stinging nettles, to swat my tongue with it.
i expect it to be bad, but not life threatening. and i expect nothing in return.

hands even better now
i'm no believer though...certainly not specifics...but perhaps light formic acid treatments are useful for inflammation. the more 'medically approved' stuff sucks, so little to lose.
Funny, when researching a prescribed drug, one often reads "The mechanism of the compound is poorly understood."
Same with most plant meds. It's old wive's tales, across the board.

but the sting seems real ... t-bad-luck
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by stanky »

good link, prez.

i'm definitely trying to empower a placebo.
the curse of the skeptic, is not getting in on the real benefit of the placebo effect.
we're too smart for it. similarly, we can take no solace in reading the holy book; nor hope in betting the magic numbers.

with the nettles, i'm hoping to out-smart myself.
the alternatives, in this case, are meds for chronic pain that either don't work, or they won't give it to me, or, even if they did, i know i'd have to escalate the dose almost immediately. hence, no 'legit' alternative. (for me)

urticating is not pure do get thousands of injections of something noticeable. i've looked at recent hi-tek analyses of nettles, and, as expected, there's myriad compounds that show up, and they differ between regions, as does the plant itself...which is typical, btw, of plants. It's absurd to apply claims of vitamin content, of say, a carrot, to the one you're about to eat. (a tenfold variance in vit A is not unusual) That said, the outing itself; the hike, has a positive effect. And the, are they happy. Has an uplift to be around. awe enters on my walks, i'm always seeing plants i don't know, or anomalies of nature; the random chaotic nature that demands nothing from me but lets me watch...

like many, i like a goal for a trek. "I'm going out for beer" or "i have to get a particular rock" etc. doing 4 laps around a track or half an hour on a treadmill has anti-appeal for me. there's nothing like the real thing. you know.
going solo on this experiment, so probably won't hurt anyone.
If i continue to urticate, i'll be hunting a special hat to make it more sacred and holy.

the conundrum is that the plant i'm urticating with is not stinging nettles. it's (to best of my research guess) actually short-spike noseburn. looks like stinging nettles except vining. and stingier. imho.
so i'm an imposter of an urticater already.
good to have that out of the way.

not doing the eyes. forget it.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by President Bush »

FL and I got to see a newly elected politician representing an indigenous area (in northern Ecuador) getting his back whipped with stinging nettles. Crowd all around was watching, took place at a waterfall we'd hiked out to not knowing what awaited us.

Fortunately a local guy cued us in to what was going on, that the fellow was being purified/punished/made worthy to represent the traditional people. All pretty quiet until the shaman sprayed alcohol from his mouth onto the official's back and suddenly blood rose from all the welts, everybody began hooting and hollering in approval.
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