... mpeachmentSchools Chief Who Mandated Bible Study Facing Impeachment
The Religion Thread
Re: The Religion Thread
- President Bush
- Posts: 1201
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:05 am
Re: The Religion Thread
He doesn't seem to care, wants SCOTUS to rule on his goal of establishing christianity in public schools.grayman wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:34 am ... mpeachmentSchools Chief Who Mandated Bible Study Facing Impeachment
Re: The Religion Thread
And another one that thinks the U.S. needs to change her ways ... ights.htmlA Christian pastor in Texas claims God does not want women to vote and Americans should be ruled by a religious dictator.
Re: The Religion Thread
It's funny how we all thought A Handmaid's Tale was fiction, and it's actually a handbook for far-right christianity.grayman wrote: ↑Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:34 pm And another one that thinks the U.S. needs to change her ways ... ights.htmlA Christian pastor in Texas claims God does not want women to vote and Americans should be ruled by a religious dictator.
Re: The Religion Thread
I've wondered how things would go down as the Christian majority realizes that, in reality, they aren't a majority anymore. Oh, sure, there are still hundreds of millions of people who would check the "Christian" box while filling out forms, but in terms of what people actually do, they've lost it.President Bush wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 1:12 pmHe doesn't seem to care, wants SCOTUS to rule on his goal of establishing christianity in public schools.grayman wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:34 am ... mpeachmentSchools Chief Who Mandated Bible Study Facing Impeachment
Some of them see the hand of Satan in this, and have decided that God requires them to stand up for Jesus, courts be damned, literally.'s too late. The atheist, or at least agnostic and indifferent, genie is out of the bottle.
I hope.
- arthwollipot
- Posts: 711
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:20 pm
Re: The Religion Thread
I agree. In much of the rest of the developed world, religion is an afterthought at best. America is just taking a while to catch up.
If you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
Re: The Religion Thread
in rural america, religion is the discipline of clean church clothes and clean body, once a week.
also as hub of other social activities.
the actual nature of the belief is pretty vague. or flexible.
you can't see it on them in the hardware store, like you could with some religions.
also as hub of other social activities.
the actual nature of the belief is pretty vague. or flexible.
you can't see it on them in the hardware store, like you could with some religions.
Re: The Religion Thread
Republican Chair Says Only Christians Should Be Elected to Government
Republican Chair Says Only Christians Should Be Elected to Government ... ocialshareTaylor added, "And everybody is like, 'Then you gotta let Satanists come in, and you gotta let witches come in, and you've gotta let Muslims and Hindus.' No, no, we don't. No, we don't because America is founded on God Almighty, Creator God, Yahweh, Elohim."
"That is what we're founded on, and I don't have to honor your religion. I don't have to give you 'freedom' of religion. Freedom of religion is there for us to worship Jesus. It's not for you to come force anything else upon me," she said.
Re: The Religion Thread
It's a huge barrier in our social ladder.
Atheism in America is like Bokonism...everyone is one, but they pretend to believe in that which is incomprehensible instead, and they call it God. I doubt will ever see an outed atheist in the white house. Jesse Ventura was a governor and an out atheist. I think that's as far as one can go.
Does anyone really think Trump is religious? It's preposterous.
speaking of religiosity, I've taken up urtication. yup. I'm an urticater. I've been one for a week now, only discovered the word today. It's been around for centuries, in most parts of the world.
Urtication is the act of flogging oneself with stinging nettles.
I looked into the compounds one gets in their blood stream from doing this: it's many, and varies from place to place, and includes formic acid, acetylcholine, serotonin (oddly enough) and a host of others; some known as anti-oxidants and anti inflammatory agents.
I've been doing it for the hike and the woods and the state of wonder i can easily enter if allowed...and they say 'awe' is good for health. The sting isn't pure woo...there's real live chemicals on the tiny spikes...and some may provide benefit. Hardly matters. All the stuff they sell for arthritic pain is useless and even harmful.
Today i went deep and flogged my lips with the nettles. (actually, it's short-spike noseburn, but so similar)
anyway, dumb move! instant sting! bad stanky!
surprised me because i'd already flogged my ass and dick and was surprised that i never felt it.
I feel it on the back of my hands, reliably.
anecdote: i can play guitar longer than prior to urtication discipline before hand goes numb.
so, gonna keep doing it. Not joining a group of urticaters neither. I'm solo and already hard core, evidently.
Maybe i'll google "how many people have flogged their dick with stinging nettles?"
(or not)
I might be the Pope of this.
Atheism in America is like Bokonism...everyone is one, but they pretend to believe in that which is incomprehensible instead, and they call it God. I doubt will ever see an outed atheist in the white house. Jesse Ventura was a governor and an out atheist. I think that's as far as one can go.
Does anyone really think Trump is religious? It's preposterous.
speaking of religiosity, I've taken up urtication. yup. I'm an urticater. I've been one for a week now, only discovered the word today. It's been around for centuries, in most parts of the world.
Urtication is the act of flogging oneself with stinging nettles.
I looked into the compounds one gets in their blood stream from doing this: it's many, and varies from place to place, and includes formic acid, acetylcholine, serotonin (oddly enough) and a host of others; some known as anti-oxidants and anti inflammatory agents.
I've been doing it for the hike and the woods and the state of wonder i can easily enter if allowed...and they say 'awe' is good for health. The sting isn't pure woo...there's real live chemicals on the tiny spikes...and some may provide benefit. Hardly matters. All the stuff they sell for arthritic pain is useless and even harmful.
Today i went deep and flogged my lips with the nettles. (actually, it's short-spike noseburn, but so similar)
anyway, dumb move! instant sting! bad stanky!
surprised me because i'd already flogged my ass and dick and was surprised that i never felt it.
I feel it on the back of my hands, reliably.
anecdote: i can play guitar longer than prior to urtication discipline before hand goes numb.
so, gonna keep doing it. Not joining a group of urticaters neither. I'm solo and already hard core, evidently.
Maybe i'll google "how many people have flogged their dick with stinging nettles?"
(or not)
I might be the Pope of this.