Science etc.

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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

Not going to waste time cursing you out.

But you are the one making the claim. Burden of proof is on you.

Sorry about your hand being numb. What the hell is that all about?
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Re: Science etc.

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:46 pm Having some trouble articulating a concept that is difficult, yet, imho, significant, in regard to the way language is used with death statistics. Bear with me? while i stumble forth:
Your "argument" is identical to that of the tobacco lobby.

'Nuff said.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »


big tobacco is trying to sell tobacco to consenting adults. everyone has known for a long time that smoking is a bad habit. now its sales are more regulated; fines paid for deception and damage. People don't go to smoke shops or bars for health care.
If a diagnosis and treatment is shown to be counter productive, it shouldn't be prescribed. And that analyses is clouded by a pro medical intervention bias that runs deep. On early TV, doctors (actors) in lab coats, hawked Camels and Chesterfields. We held them (and the lab coats) on a pedestal. TV shows glorify medicine in the show and in the ads. The worst type of fat (hydrogenated vegetable oils) was heavily promoted for heart health, via stats on heart disease. Doctors wanted us to drink 4 glasses of whole milk daily. With wonder bread and its vitamins and Viceroy's activated charcoal filter, we were headed for great health.

True, not big med's fault that we got brainwashed by tv shows and ads, and that we treat doctors like gods, but it is incumbent upon doctors to provide sound medical advice....and not simply advocate for the procedures that are currently popular, despite
dismal performance. Getting financial reward for recommending a treatment shouldn't cloud the field but it does. Getting censored for questioning an aspect of pop medicine is a stunning new low. The corruption in the U.S. system is epic and growing. Critical thinking is needed to penetrate the fog of pointless and costly medicine. Lives won't be saved, but they'd be less shitty.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

Bottom line here is corruption or no corruption, it'd be better if individuals advocated for themselves instead of taking someone else's word for it (healthcare).

You can't blame the system because of the stoopid people who use it with unsatisfactory results.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

The problems with that is that people on average are spectacularly bad at advocating for themselves.
If you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

They have an incentive to learn.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

On average, people are spectacularly bad at learning, too.
If you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

You've made two claims here, where's your evidence?

Bad at self advocacy, bad at learning. You might be right but can't agree without seeing your evidences. Please make it worthwhile. No anecdotal bullshit, OK?
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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

Sorry, I can't provide double-blinded peer-reviewed articles in major scientific journals, nor was I making a scientific claim.

I do know that my girlfriend used to run training courses and seminars on self-advocacy in the mental health space, and I know that there's a lot of ways and a lot of reasons why people fail to advocate for themselves.

As for my second claim, well... if you can't see evidence of that for yourself then I'm afraid I can't help you.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »

sparks wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:08 pm Not going to waste time cursing you out.

But you are the one making the claim. Burden of proof is on you.

Sorry about your hand being numb. What the hell is that all about?
neuropathy (nerve damage) from arthritis and other stuff, like falling off scaffold and going over the handle bars and such)
pretty common at this age. major suck. some blame vaccine. i have no need to. Occam's razor tells me otherwise. btw, prolonged alcohol consumption (and diabetes) are also common culprits. Usually starts in feet. Peripheral neuropathy. Myelin sheath gets destroyed by our own immune system in some disease. Mine is trashing the cushion between bones. Came on fast; same with my bro.

All the old fucks limp, around here. Life is a disease, of sorts. As fatal as rabies.
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