I don't think any of us are far off the page, we just differ on who has the best ideas about fixing the problem. Long term! Not the short term fix of pooling everyone's assets and sharing them out. That's just challenging human nature.
BTW, that 'and I'm the bad guy? was meant to point out the 'wrong' assumptions made by those on the left down here. Maybe you're all sainted over there in the US but it's getting trendy now to blame the "Boomers" for all monetary problems encountered by younger generations. If we live in our houses we're stopping young couples getting into the market.
If we sell and buy a smaller one or a unit it leaves us with some cash and that makes us "well heeled greedy Boomers".
If we spend it, and we're on the pension we're a drain on the economy, if we go into full aged care we're an even bigger drain and why are we hanging around so long. If we stay fit and go travelling on the cash we're "flaunting our wealth at the poor house deposit savers".
I don't really give a shit what they think of me, there's nothing I can change about the way things are so ..stuff 'em ... but what does bother me is the way their minds work to convince them that somehow they should be 'entitled' to ..this is a fave.. to '"share" in the retirees wealth.
Now I wouldn't mind a share of the billionaires wealth myself, and we can only hope that they pay enough in taxes and royalties to contribute enough to pay for some of the few services that are available, like free health care. (yeah, thin bloody hope, I may be old but I'm not that stupid)
...sorry went off on a ramble, I tend to do that. .. just a bit miffed about young people who demand all manner of tolerance, and PC ness and that I get their mysterious pronouns right , feel it's perfectly okay to say some petty vile things about old (particularly white) people who have managed to gather and keep a nestegg to support themselves with. ergo .. I am considered, by them, to be the "bad guy" in their magical world of entitlement.
It's said often enough, and hinted at, in Oz media social and Mainstream. Lately being an old white man has to be the lowest on the status rung.
At least I'm not a "toxic male" or "rich old white bastard" as the youth tend stereotype old people now. Maybe you're just not old enough yet Arty?.
You'll be okay with it when your turn to cop the blame for having those young blokes' money in your bank account will you?
Oh, and shame on you if you also own "their" house! Or are going to cash it al in and give it all the ...what? Where are the Socialists getting all this money from that they want to share around?
Funnily enough we were all rabid Lefties, the whole family, both sides. Each side even had one card carrying Communist in it. They turned out different though. One was still calling everyone Comrade when he karked at 93, the other burned the card at 30, and left town with a wealthy 'squatters' daughter from out west and he went 'Conservatist' overnight and cut all ties with the family.
I stayed Labor through Hawkeys terms, luvved him. They were good times compared to most but Keating cured me. I just flipped over when I realised that what he was running was not the Labor Party I grew up with. He took it in a whole different direction and I felt I owed his 'ology nothing.
I view things from a good few paces to the right of where you stand (most here really) But I'd be kicked out of the Tories. The LNP are boring as batshit, their pollies are barely more intelligent than any other group of politicians, but at least they represent the people whokeep the joint ticking along. Conservative means keeping the good bits that work and throwing the rest out. Socialism just wants to chuck everything out then wonders how to rebuild it "back better". I'm yet to see that happen.