nature boys part two

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.Re: nature boys part two

Post by stanky »

seen those turtles in zoos.
who'd have guessed that the basic turtle concept would be so successful and enduring?
looks kind of clunky and defenseless.
box turtles get stuck upside down on smooth, flat surfaces.
that's ridiculous!
sea turtles (evidently) have been doing the same migration for so long, that continental drift turned the short trip to the beach where they lay their eggs into a 6,000 mile journey. they aren't known for speed.
there's 7 snapping turtles in a mud-puddle outside my room. went there on their own; wintered over in it. And they got bigger...from fist-sized to dinner plate size...eating i can't imagine what.
mary picked one up today. it was stuck in something. there's no way to do it safely. young ones can get there heads anywhere, quick. lifting by tail is way detrimental to them. extremely shy, yet, i walk by them all day, 3 feet away.
they duck and hide in the muck. i'm talking about a pond that's 6 feet across and about a foot deep, not even a liquid, really. more like a sloppy black oatmeal. it leaks, too. and it's been dry of late. so it's nuts. $25,000 fine for moving them to a new habitat. they did this! they're totally wild. the bigger pond, also a sludge pit, has monster size snappers. it's fucking nuts. but i dig them a lot and don't know how to help them. they've likely over-populated by finding a niche this protective.

stupid hippy sees the obvious balancing act...eating most of them...but doesn't eat them.
nor does stupid hippy chick.

god, i hate hippies.
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