Planet America

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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:03 pmUkraine was part of Russia for 70 years, prior to 1991 when we meddled and destabilized that relationship for the sake of the billions in commodities as well as surrounding Russia with Nato alignment. Selling weapons is a side feature that will help us control their resources. As usual.
Ah, so you're just speaking from ignorance.

Being under Soviet control never made it Russian.
stanky wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:03 pm TA, you can't be this delusional.
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Re: Planet America

Post by arthwollipot »

stanky wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:03 pmUkraine was part of Russia for 70 years...
No it fucking was not. It was part of the Soviet Union for 70 years (because the Soviets invaded on their way to Germany), but most importantly, it was not for hundreds of years before that.

Learn some fucking history mate.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

Telling his counterpart that he was losing patience with the stalled counteroffensive, President Joe Biden reportedly warned Volodymyr Zelensky Thursday that if the Ukrainian president couldn’t win the war against Russia, the United States would overthrow him and replace him with someone who would. ... 1850792677
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Re: Planet America

Post by Meadmaker »

arthwollipot wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:15 pm
stanky wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:03 pmUkraine was part of Russia for 70 years...
No it fucking was not. It was part of the Soviet Union for 70 years (because the Soviets invaded on their way to Germany), but most importantly, it was not for hundreds of years before that.

Learn some fucking history mate.
To be fair, it was part of the Russian Empire for quite a long time. There were all sorts of armies going back and forth over the place for centuries, and some of them left governors there.

Not that that matters one bit. That doesn't give the successors of any of those various governments or various ethnic groups the right to govern there. The only legitimate government of any nation anywhere is the one that has the consent of the governed, and Vladmir Putin and the pther Russians don't have the consent of the Ukranians.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

Only mentioning Trump in that he's having a last-minute rally today in Asheville, NC, a place I know pretty well. He had to pay the city upfront over $80,000 for the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium including incidental costs. Apparently the city of Asheville was concerned he might stiff them as he has done to other cities where he's had rallies.

That downtown venue is about one third the size of the arena they also could have booked, right next door, guess they want the place to look full. Asheville seems an odd choice to me, the city itself is rather progressive. But the mountains around town are pretty conservative politically, his campaign may want to induce friction on the streets there. ... 765269007/
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

If true, then it only goes to reinforce what many (myself included) think about Mango: He is, among other objectionable things, a divisive piece of shit.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

according to media, he's fading fast.

back to Russia:
U.S. needs a boogey-man; justification for our absurdly bloated military and its out-posts around the world.
We chose the Russians. It makes little sense. What have they done to us? Stopped Hitler; abided nuke rules; have never attacked us...we, though have broken promises and threatened them and sanctioned them for ideology.
Meanwhile, it's the u.s. that invades and drops bombs relentlessly, in aggression; for empire. Surely, we're the bigger global threat; the terrorist's terrorist. We arm anyone. We're likely to manipulate Ukraine for resources, same as Putin. Follow the money and's the U.S.'s war. Using Ukranian soldiers. Backing a far right regime. Leave a mess; fix some of it; they owe us forever. It worked in Central and South America.
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Re: Planet America

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:42 pm back to Russia:
U.S. needs a boogey-man; justification for our absurdly bloated military and its out-posts around the world.
We chose the Russians. It makes little sense. What have they done to us? Stopped Hitler; abided nuke rules; have never attacked us...we, though have broken promises and threatened them and sanctioned them for ideology.
Meanwhile, it's the u.s. that invades and drops bombs relentlessly, in aggression; for empire. Surely, we're the bigger global threat; the terrorist's terrorist. We arm anyone. We're likely to manipulate Ukraine for resources, same as Putin. Follow the money and's the U.S.'s war. Using Ukranian soldiers. Backing a far right regime. Leave a mess; fix some of it; they owe us forever. It worked in Central and South America.
What was really cunning was the United States getting Russia to invade Ukraine.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Meadmaker »

stanky wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:42 pm according to media, he's fading fast.
Sadly, I think that's too early to tell. Polling is so unreliable, and yes, the media is engaging in some wishful thinking, too.
back to Russia:
U.S. needs a boogey-man; justification for our absurdly bloated military and its out-posts around the world.
We chose the Russians. It makes little sense. What have they done to us?
Lately? Not much, I suppose. But what have they done to Ukraine? Death, destruction, occupation. That sort of thing.

Now, I know that you think it's none of our business and who cares because they aren't us, and you have a point. We can't go around righting every wrong, and when we try, we often end up committing a bunch of wrongs along the way.

Nevertheless, Vladmir Putin is a murderous bastard who deserves to be hung from a lamppost, and his regime is both corrupt and evil just like the one he grew up in when he was a subject of the USSR. I don't know whether we are doing the right thing in Ukraine, but I know we are supporting the right side.

Maybe all we are doing is delaying the inevitable reconquest of Ukraine and the reformulation of the Russian Empire in its latest incarnation. I don't know. I don't have intelligence data. I don't have spy photos. I don't have enough information to say whether we are just prolonging the agony and the world would be better off if we just let Russia enslave one more former Soviet republic because at least fewer people would die in the process. I just know who are the good guys in this war.
Meanwhile, it's the u.s. that invades and drops bombs relentlessly, in aggression; for empire.
Wait. Surely you are not claimng that Russia is not doing exactly that right now. Whether in Mariople or Kharkiv or any of dozens of cities and hudreds of towns where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been made homeless, all of that death and destruction is happening because of the Russian regime. Surely you understand that, don't you?

It's a fool's errand to try and make comparisons in a debate like this, so there's no way I'm going to get into who is the bigger problem, but don't let your hatred of your own country blind you to the reality of what Russia is doing under the Putin regime.
We're likely to manipulate Ukraine for resources, same as Putin.

I remember 20 years ago seeing a bit on the news when an American public relations guy was trying to convince some Iraqi men that they ought not oppose us. One of the Iraqis said "You just want our oil!" And the American said, "Yes. We want your oil. We want to buy it. We want to make you rich." What do we want from Ukraine? Natural gas, I suppose? Yeah, maybe. Maybe that's the motivation for why we support the Ukranian regime.

Nevertheless, Vladmir Putin is a murderous bastard who deserves to be hung from a lamppost, because in addition to heading a corrupt regime that oppresses his own people, he is responsible for the deaths of over a million people, his and theirs, in Ukraine.
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Re: Planet America

Post by arthwollipot »

If you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.
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