They use the same weapons-grade plastic to package them.
That's why you always buy a new one just before the old one wears out, so its last gasp is to re-birth itself.
The first one I ever bought didn't need no stinking plastic.
A friend recently told me that he bought a tool he needed to use immediately (something about his car) and it was so well packaged that he had to also buy a pair of scissors. Alas, these too were packaged to the nines.
When I was a smoker, i always carried a lighter. I often had to use it to burn my way into plastic packaging.
I've really come to hate plastic. Still, it's nearly impossible to avoid. It is everywhere.
Hey, Di?
Do you remember when you were a little kid, and there was almost none of it around? Even the toys weren't plastic.
Admin wrote: ↑Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:34 amPeople who reverse into carparks. They make people wait for them, so they don't have to wait to back out.
I don't mind that so much as long as they know how to reverse a car properly. Lots of people don't.
grayman wrote: ↑Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:09 pmAnd/or take up two parking spaces when they do.
Here's my car-related aggravation: people who don't know how big their car is. You know the type. Not only do they have problems with parking, they can't get close enough to the ticket dispenser that they can reach it without opening the door and getting half out of the car to do it.
Dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park. It is possible you will see hooded figures in the Dog Park. Do not approach them.
Di Wundrin wrote: ↑Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:28 pm
Look on the bright side, if there weren't so many arseholes around people like us wouldn't be appreciated so much right??
Our local shopping centres all have speed humps in them to keep speeds t0 20 mph/30kph. I take them between 20 & 30 kph in the car - they're low and not a problem to any vehicle with suspension. I drive a sedan.
Every fucking time I need to drive over one, some mini-brain dickhead slows to a crawl in their 4WD to go over it.
Today, a hulking great Ford Raptor took one as slow as you can possibly go right on front of me. You have a fucking vehicle designed to take on rugged country, yet you drive it like a fucking girl with her dolly. Fucking morons.
Urban 4WD = poser in a tie, or Mum with 5 kids in the back.
If it was the poser he'd be going careful so as not to slop his Starbucks carton of tar onto his shiny plastic interior,
If it was the frazzled frau, she'd be trying not to hurl the 3 year old who'd escaped his bonds into the roof and crack his neck when she hit the bump.
Geeze TA you've gotta give these wankers a bit of slack, they have their own special problems you know.
Up here, it's amusing to watch those same folks when the snow is coming down.
They put the vehicle in 4-wheel drive and think, "I can do anything!", and a mile or two later they're in a ditch having slid off the road.
I watched one pass me on my way to work the other night who immediately after passing, decided he needed to turn right onto the next street. Missed the street but he stopped when the Jeep hit the curb.
4-wheel drive ≠ 4-wheel stop.
Last edited by grayman on Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My big beef with huge 4WDs in an urban setting is that if someone makes a mistake and that vehicle hits me in my small-to-mid-size Honda Jazz, that grill is coming in at my head height. An airbag is not going to keep my head on in that kind of impact.
Dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park. It is possible you will see hooded figures in the Dog Park. Do not approach them.
arthwollipot wrote: ↑Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:59 pm
My big beef with huge 4WDs in an urban setting is that if someone makes a mistake and that vehicle hits me in my small-to-mid-size Honda Jazz, that grill is coming in at my head height. An airbag is not going to keep my head on in that kind of impact.
That's a flaw in the testing system I've been trying to get changed for years.
A small car will get a 5-star rating in a crash test by protecting its occupants in a head-on crash against a concrete wall.
That bears no relationship to hitting a 5-tonne behemoth bigger than a WWII tank, and as you say, the impact won't be on your bumper.