Planet America

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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

arthwollipot wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:52 pm Have you noticed that the issue with trans athletes is always, always, always about trans women and never about trans men?
Well, obviously. They're at a massive disadvantage so the issue doesn't arise.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

Meadmaker wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:51 pmAnd do left leaning politicians or media figures call out that kind of level of stupid, so that we can get rid of it and have a reasonable debate on aspects of the debate that are actually worth debating? Nope. At that hearing, not one Democrat had a question along the lines of, "We all know that, in general, men have more athletic ability than women. Despite that, why is it important to allow transwomen to compete in the women's division?"
Maybe it's as simple as if they claim trans women as women they'll be able to claim women are as good as men.

What I want to see is a boxer "change" gender, because I think nothing short of deaths will make the obvious obvious.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

sparks wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:18 am
stanky wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:13 pm
sparks wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:16 pm

This doesn't address your comments regarding assassination. Want to try again?
what should i say? apologies for provocative language?
Do you not recall our collective joy at the news (and views) of Sadam and Khadafi's murders? Or the thrill of Obama taking out Bin laden? No trial, no body, no truth to be had. Just sick vengeance and aggression. Yeah we like it. We love it!
Look at the blockbuster movies and shows we like; the violent sports, the gun nuttery.

what's a more 'woke' way to say it?
America is sleeping through its violent phase.
We don't want to know anything that pops the bubble.
You've moved the goal posts my friend.

Take two. They're small.

Sadam, Khadafi, and Bin Laden were identified as terrorist fucktard combatants. Like it or not, taking them out was not murder. As a result, the rest of your "argument" falls apart.

But thanks for playing! :lol:
You'd be ok, then, with Iran sending a military squad to D.C. to kill our president? That wouldn't be murder, right?
(I'm sure you must know that the U.S. is the world's largest terrorist organization, yes?)
Your argument doesn't exist.
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

Make a refutable argument instead of nonsense and then we'll talk. Otherwise, fuck the hell off OK? :)
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

seriously? you don't see a double standard here?
just because we no longer care about our war crimes doesn't mean we didn't commit them.
Have you bought the whole package?

Now, all we need to do is declare someone a terrorist and they can be locked up indefinitely.
But no other nation is allowed to do the same?

I think we're up to 83 countries where we've overthrown fairly elected leaders and installed a right wing dictator. More than 40.
we sell weapons to 103 nations. We're the only nation to nuke a civilian population (twice) and you think Sadam was a terrorist that we had a legal right to assassinate? Why? What did he do to us? meanwhile, what did we do to Iraq? What purpose?

And you scold me for not making sense or being real?
Either you're incredibly naive or you've bought into our enhanced rights over others.
Bringing democracy to our enemies has never been the plan.

Assassinations at home tend to pick off the peace makers. There's always the fishy commission and report; some lone wolf nut case did it.

where is it you think you're living?
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

I'll grant you that there have been crimes on both sides, but that is as far as I'm willing to go. If someone arranges to fly a couple of planes into a couple of buildings thereby killing lots of citizens, that is not war. It's murder. And you go after the shit head that master minded the deed. Obama says he's dead, that's good enough for me.

As for nuking the Japanese in WWII, that was war plain and simple. You want to call that murder and or terrorism? Fine. Tell it to the people who died on all the death marches around the Pacific and elsewhere. For christs fucking sakes, tell it to all the people both Japanese and American who were alive after that little neutron induced shindig but would not have been had we not had and used the bomb.

So go ahead and take the moral high ground if it makes you feel better. Good luck holding it. :)
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

not after high ground; yet bothered by america's casual attitude regarding our interference in foreign elections and the new surveillance at home. We would never tolerate another country doing to us what we freely do to others. It's creepy to me; like bullying. And it's never addressed in mainstream news. The migrants at the southern border are in the news but nothing about our role in their poverty.

the delusion and denial are like an opiate, i guess. but we've been a very bad boy and may need a spanking.
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Re: Planet America

Post by sparks »

stanky wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:49 am not after high ground; yet bothered by america's casual attitude regarding our interference in foreign elections and the new surveillance at home. We would never tolerate another country doing to us what we freely do to others. It's creepy to me; like bullying. And it's never addressed in mainstream news. The migrants at the southern border are in the news but nothing about our role in their poverty.

the delusion and denial are like an opiate, i guess. but we've been a very bad boy and may need a spanking.
" yet bothered by america's casual attitude regarding our interference in foreign elections and the new surveillance at home."
then fucking well elect some people who still have some semblance of morality left instead of the continuous flow of idiots we've had since Raygun.

"We would never tolerate another country doing to us what we freely do to others. It's creepy to me; like bullying. "
Get real. It happens every day.

"And it's never addressed in mainstream news."
Then start your own and print whatever you like.

"the delusion and denial are like an opiate, i guess. but we've been a very bad boy and may need a spanking."
Hang around long enough and it will happen. This republic of ours is indeed rotting from within. It's just a matter of time before the grand experiment crumbles back into dust.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

new strategies might be indicated for the sick patient. (The U.S.)
Voting will no longer do anything, because of measures taken, over decades, that ensure the agendas of the very few.
The press has been hobbled in the same way. The things that were effective in the past have new road blocks. After the Patriot Act, a person printing and distributing words that run counter to the new control mechanism, could be locked up indefinitely, without counsel or trial.

Hell, what i'm writing could be considered terrorism. The parameters of that are ill-defined. Certainly someone like Tom Paine would be prevented by today's power structure. The pamphlets would be intercepted; distributor tortured until location is extracted, then press destroyed. Paul Revere's ride would have been cut short.

This is why any government control of internet or medical mandates is such a frightening possibility to some.
I don't wallow in such paranoia, but not because i think it can't happen. It's already over the top. Despite all the exposes and exiled whistle-blowers and admissions, we're still under draconian surveillance. Money is about to go into a much more controllable form; cars will leave a stream of accessible data; phone, too, of course. the writing is on the wall is a gross understatement.

yet here i am, free and coddled by my government's welfare. Not wanting to be ungrateful, i appeal to the country that we could become...the one we brag about all the time. I consider this new shit sheer thuggery and terrorism. I'm America, you bastards! You're an aberration that must be exiled to the phantom zone! Stop the RamJac corporation! Free Titanic Brass Polish!

(it's a start)
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Re: Planet America

Post by Meadmaker »

stanky wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:55 pm Hell, what i'm writing could be considered terrorism.
I'm not seeing it.
Certainly someone like Tom Paine would be prevented by today's power structure.

I think there are lots of people like Tom Paine writing or yapping today, that are not being prevented.

In some of his pamphlets, Tom was very explicitly calling for government overthrow, and in most cases, that could get you in a lot of trouble today, but not as bad as it could have then. Paine probably would have ended up dying with his legs off the ground had America not won that war. In most cases today, though, there are no restrictions, because no one takes the pamphleteers, or in these days bloggers, sufficiently seriously to worry about them. As I recall, though, when people actually do things like, for example, break into the Capitol building, the law takes a very dim view of it. 
we're still under draconian surveillance.
Well.....not really. We have the potential to go that way, but so far, we're ok. I will admit that the amount of data available to potential future dictators or authoritarians is rather frightening. I'm not conident that America will remain a truly free country for the rest of my lifetime, but right now, it is. When I look at the restrictions placed on me, I figure I've got it pretty good. I can do darned near anything I wish to do.
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