Science etc.

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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

Worse, this claim is equivalent to saying "if you get sick, it's your fault for not being 'healthy' enough".
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Re: Science etc.

Post by President Bush » ... l5ZA%3D%3D

That's all I have to say about that.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

Just came across the fact that the Aussies have a butt load of uranium reserves. Why aren't they taking advantage of that fact?
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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

sparks wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:30 pm Just came across the fact that the Aussies have a butt load of uranium reserves. Why aren't they taking advantage of that fact?
We do. We sell it to everyone who wants some.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »

Admin wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:12 am
stanky wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:19 am nonsense.
the alternative to our drug-motivated health care is to be healthy.
That would be the ideal, but healthy people still get diseases and die from them.

A quarter of the world's population isn't able to access enough food to have a healthy diet: ... hy-food-un

You're being absurdly naive here.
not so.

general knowledge shared has helped humans know what a good diet might be, now that we (mostly) have the luxury of choices in nutrition. The medical pharma cabal, and medical error has become a significant cause of death. It's not all good. In fact, in the U.S., nutrition has not been a concern of medicine. Even though, shitty nutrition is at the root of most of the ailments they're trained to diagnose and treat. The tests and treatments come with their own downside and risks. The root cause and potential solution is not discussed. It remains out of that realm.

I'll get back to this because you guys are wrongity wrong wrong. must run now.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by sparks »

arthwollipot wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:45 pm
sparks wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:30 pm Just came across the fact that the Aussies have a butt load of uranium reserves. Why aren't they taking advantage of that fact?
We do. We sell it to everyone who wants some.
:) Evasion noted. :)

Any rare earth mines?
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Re: Science etc.

Post by arthwollipot »

sparks wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:08 am
arthwollipot wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:45 pm
sparks wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:30 pm Just came across the fact that the Aussies have a butt load of uranium reserves. Why aren't they taking advantage of that fact?
We do. We sell it to everyone who wants some.
:) Evasion noted. :)

Any rare earth mines?
Probably. I'd have to ask someone in the know. But Australia gets massive income from iron, bauxite (aluminium), uranium, gold, copper, zinc, cobalt, lead, nickel, tin, diamonds, sapphires. You name it, we probably mine it.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »

arthwollipot wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:31 pm Worse, this claim is equivalent to saying "if you get sick, it's your fault for not being 'healthy' enough".
The general 'unwellness' of the modern state; especially the U.S. is a case of willful ignorance enabled by profit-driven cultural norms, which medical professionals are largely impotent to influence. the FDA and other regulatory bodies have been bought to the point of counter-productive for health. We are over prescribed crappy drugs and antibiotics to the detriment of health. OTC drugs and pointless salves and lotions and such add to the problem. Black markets in prescription drugs is part of the problem. We're depressed and on useless antidepressants simultaneously. We're on diet pills and obese. Our food is degraded. Our immune system is largely ignored in favor of pills and vaccines. Hospitals is where to get exotic infections. The covid pandemic relied on an unhealthy populace. Being healthy fairs far better than being vaccinated in this case, but it's not where the attention goes. Nor to nutrition. No money in it. Not like meds. Nor are any herbal remedies encouraged; even ones proven effective. Not profitable. Being chronically ill is the desired state for drug sales. For anti-depressant sales, mental illness is essential. We rank #37 globally in health...bottom of the advanced nations.
The meds are an overall negative. Doctors know this but can't help it. There's obvious exceptions, but the big sellers are worse than nothing. They don't address the underlying problem and soon cause their own. Often, they simply don't work....hence new ones constantly. They don't work either.

Think about your prescriptions if you have any.
Why do you need that?
Any side effects?
How much for a gram?
Why does it have added carcinogenic coloring agents? Is that in the spirit of health?

We know how to be healthy. Rare disease is an exception. Most illness is cultural now. Doctor's have become counter indicated. They have nothing to offer unless you're in a car wreck. Safer cars works better overall.

Well, at least doctor's aren't endorsing cigarette brands like they use to. But they're mostly useless for our health. Or unaffordable.
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »

medical error is #3 leading cause of death in the U.S.
malnutrition is #1 though we call it heart disease.
Our medical establishment doesn't understand or study what mostly makes us sick.
Big pharma tries to censor holistic approaches to well being.
They need to sell meds. Why would they encourage health?
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Re: Science etc.

Post by stanky »

The above rambling rant comes evidence free and conspiratorial rich.
I'll let ya'll uncover the 'facts' should you like.
Or, remain safely buffered with the ever crumbling facade of relentless propaganda that disguises itself as news. Or worse, as science.

Imagine a headline like this:
Science finds cure for diabetes!
Happy day

Here's what causes the vast majority of cancers and diabetes:

How so?
Unscrupulous bastards sell poison to unsuspecting chumps.
Decent humans try countering that with reasonable regulations.
Sociopathic pricks counter those efforts with political donations and bribes.
Those efforts reach deeply, even jeopardizing the purity of scientific inquiry.

In the U.S. we can't even manage to have known toxins removed from baby food. We try, but the 'man' is too strong. Too big.
Even the subsidized sugar lobby is too strong to allow the simplest of corrections in what is sold as part of a nutritious breakfast!
We don't have the will to remove known disease causing chemicals from products that are designed to appeal to children...even to go as far as keeping these items off the foods that can be bought with food stamps...that's too much for us. Hence, we get obese brats with addh (linked to carcinogenic and unnecessary artificial coloring) and pre-diabetes from the staggering amount of sugar added to crap like Mountain Dew and froot loops.

There you go. Our medical establishment is an active participant in the overall system of capitalism gone bad.
Our highest institutions of learning are infected with it.
Harvard is in the business of managing money.
Within this hell-scape, well meaning health care workers are largely useless. They can treat symptoms after the fact; poorly at that.
They're helpless to affect the underlying causes of major illness. In fact, they're mostly caught in the same crap...pushing shit for profit and contributing to the overall unhealth.

Life expectancy stats don't address the quality of life.
A man recently died whom had spent 70 years in an iron lung. Amazing what science can do.
and what it can't do.
It can't stop the bullets, but it's real good at removing them from your body. It's also great at developing new and more deadly bullets.

No place for ethics in science. Hence, it has now crossed into new a negative factor in our well being.
In that way, it's in the same trap as religion.

At its most cynical, science might try to save us by getting us off the planet. Which we'll need to do to escape the cumulative effects of all these miracles we've created.

So, put it on a pedestal if you must. Keep your head in the sand with pride. Focus on the latest shinny object with reverence and gratitude. Surely the cure for cancer is right around the corner.

hey! Fusion power is coming to save us! This time, it's not kidding! Oak Ridge, TN is setting up a fusion power plant. It's nearly as exciting as back when the same town was enriching uranium for fission power. That worked out well. Politicians and military advisors and the 'free' press pulled together, with the help of the post Nazi German scientists that we snatched up, to being us the lasting miracle of plutonium.

Funny that the big movie "Oppenheimer" managed to completely avoid the subject of radioactive fallout. Oh well.
Thank christ we've harnessed it for cancer therapy and other uplifting purposes.

fuck off with the evidence. Open your eyes.

we've got a problem.
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