They're being hailed as heroes. Netanyahu congratulated them personally.
For me, there's a combination of admiration and disgust at the same time. So, they described coming across some Hamas fighters lying on the road, probably dead, possibly disabled, and what is the response? Run them over with your tank. Downed fighters following a hit by an explosive shell? Use the machine gun to make sure they are dead.
It seems....excessive.
But maybe that's just the Abstract God of Justice talking.
It's what you do in war. You can't shoot someone if you don't see them as subhuman.
Dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People are not allowed in the Dog Park. It is possible you will see hooded figures in the Dog Park. Do not approach them.
Meadmaker wrote: ↑Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:10 pmThey're being hailed as heroes. Netanyahu congratulated them personally.
For me, there's a combination of admiration and disgust at the same time. So, they described coming across some Hamas fighters lying on the road, probably dead, possibly disabled, and what is the response? Run them over with your tank. Downed fighters following a hit by an explosive shell? Use the machine gun to make sure they are dead.
It seems....excessive.
But maybe that's just the Abstract God of Justice talking.
It's the exact equivalent of shooting pilots parachuting from their plane.
Admin wrote: ↑Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:32 am
It's the exact equivalent of shooting pilots parachuting from their plane.
In WWII that was classed as a war crime.
To be fair, the Hamas fighters were not uniformed and were on a mission to murder civilians, so the lawyers would probably draw some distinction there.
But these ladies didn't seem all that interested in the fine points of military law.
It's disgusting to me that Israel is such a sacred cow that rational critique is labelled as anti-Semitic and even downright censored. That government isn't exactly winning new friends and the old enemies are being reinvigorated.
Feckin' madness.
Fuck religion. and Zion.and Manifest destiny.
Time is overdue for a more inclusive vision.
If the U.S. uses this crisis as a smokescreen for war on Iran, we'll know what's behind it.
and it won't be justice.
The president of the University of Pennsylvania resigned after some congressional testimony where she refused to say that calls for genocide would violate the university speech code. (Or whatever they called it.)
What a bizarre story.
First of all, why the hell is there a speech code? (or whatever they call it) That stuff really ought to be covered by the 1st ammendment. Way back in the 1970s when a bunch of Illinois Nazis marched through a heavily Jewish suburb, I was among those who said they ought to be allowed to do so, because free speech. There's no need to protect popular speech. There's no need to protect "good" speech. I feel the same way today. You want to chant "From the river to the sea....." Have at it. It's a free country. At least it used to be. I hope you have no objection if I call you an idiot. But if you do object, then up yours.
(Note to self. I just realized that while I was thinking I defended the left wing and the right wing, but they both hate Jews.)
Then there's a question of whether "Free Palestine" and "From the river to the saa, Palestine will be free." is a call to genocide. Here's my opinion, and my opinion is correct. It's a call for Arab rule over the entire land currently called Israel on the maps, plus the area that some people now call Palestine. That isn't, specifically, a call for genocide. However, the only way to get there from here, i.e. from where we are to Arab rule from the river to the sea, would be ethnic cleansing and, inevitably, mass murder. So, it's kind of a call for genocide, but the people chanting it are too stupid to know that, because they go to UPenn.
Which left those poor university presidents stuck trying to answer some questions that were not exactly asked in good faith. Nevertheless, it's not hard to figure out the right answers, and they didn't manage to do it. Right answer: Calls for genocide are hate speech. On the other hand, what is actually happening on campus today doesn't violate the code, because it isn't directed at students.
I feel like Madame President of UPenn was hoist by her own petard. Universities, including UPenn, are busily creating speech codes, censoring speech, and generally being jerks. The chickens came home to roost. She demonstrated, with her testimony, that she really didn't have good critical thinking skills anyway, so I can't feel sorry for her. However, I also can't help but cringe at the "cancel culture" aspect. I really don't know much about this particular president. I don't know if she has held the position for three months or ten years. One misstatement shouldn't drive her out.
Meadmaker wrote: ↑Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:13 am
Then there's a question of whether "Free Palestine" and "From the river to the saa, Palestine will be free." is a call to genocide.
The problem is that that theoretical call for genocide is being superseded by the actual genocide taking place.