Planet America

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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

Honestly, you could skip the vitriol and the stereotyping. I've mentioned several times that i've had the moderna covid jab 3 times.
The success of the vaccine has been exaggerated. In the above, you make claims for the future success of the covid shot. That's pretty shoddy.
How about this: ... #SexAndAge
Data from the CDC itself.

How one interprets the data is significant. For instance, there is no category for deaths from covid alone. Even with the biased numbers, the odds of covid killing you are stunningly low. ... americans/
As of April 2023, the total U.S. lives lost to this 'pandemic' has barely topped one 3 years. A third of that is roughly 340,000 per year. That's out of 333,000,000 Americans. Slim odds. And those deaths miss two factors: One big one is comorbidities. Like obesity. And age. If one is young and healthy, the odds of death by covid don't warrant the upheaval, in my opinion.

The minuscule advantage the shot might offer to a low risk person doesn't justify the possible harm. Hence, to advise the shot for all, amounts to malpractice. As per negative experience with the vax, that data has been slow to come. Non-transparent. There may be cumulative effects that we haven't seen yet. As mentioned, there has been censorship regarding criticism of this vax. I can link that, too. If i must. I'm slow as shit on keyboard and don't like to sit long.

There's another chunk of data missing, and that's the normal rate of death without covid. When you say, for instance, that the shot saved 20,000 lives in NZ alone. Saved from what? Death? What about the ones that die a month after the shot from something else? The most prone age group of victims is over 65. 80%. Mostly in poor shape. The covid vax isn't much of a savior. And being that it doesn't prevent transmission or reinfection, we've learned that the unvaxed don't pose a problem in this case. Same with the flu vax. Hence, social harm was done for little conceivable gain.

here's the WHO's page:

i'll finish this later.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:07 pmIf one is young and healthy, the odds of death by covid don't warrant the upheaval, in my opinion.
Despite me specifically pointing out the long term risks of covid infections you choose to ignore that to rant about the well-known and obvious fact that the vast majority of deaths are at least with co-morbidities.

And while you're doing that you also choose to ignore the fact that 1400 health care workers died of covid in USA alone. They are not people on the verge of death.

Yes, the death rate is a lot lower than many diseases, but it is still causing enormous harm, much of it hidden as long-term damage to very young people.
stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:07 pmThe minuscule advantage the shot might offer to a low risk person doesn't justify the possible harm.
That also shows that you actually have no understanding of the disease or the consequences for young people.
stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:07 pm i'll finish this later.
Unless you actually try to get a clue about the disease beforehand, don't bother.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

Evidence suggests that mask mandates were and are pointless in the spread of covid and can cause harm. (Cochrane study) which has been debunked. And the debunking has been debunked. At the least, it's tricky to use masks for optimum efficiency. The get fussed with; they leak, especially around beards; they get old fast.

The inevitability of everyone getting covid (because the vax didn't work as expected) should temper our zeal. It would be more effective, overall, imho, to institute a campaign for increasing one's vitality and nutrition. This factor has been largely ignored by the institutions that promote the vax. In the U.S. there is already a strong bias toward "conventional" treatment without much scrutiny. Alternatives are often scorned before hand.
If you think that Pfizer is a name we can trust, or that anyone "earned" the billions, you're missing a lot.

Read the first paragraph of this report from the Office of Public Affairs: ... ts-history

If that's too much trouble, Pfizer recently had the biggest fine in health care fraud ever...for criminal promotion of a few of their drugs.
We should be skeptical of their claims.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

Oops. I see TA has written while i was.

I see this is mostly pointless. You mention long term damage from covid infections. Yet, don't mention that the shot doesn't keep one from getting it, again and again. And it can be severe. Also, no mention of adverse reactions. Cherry picking data, which is seriously compromised to begin with.
The windfall this vaccine enabled, and if possible, will continue for them, should keep us on the lookout for corruption. Pfizer is cashing in on other people's work, for the most part. I find the price quite troubling. And more so, should it become a forever shot. You aren't bothered by that. For me, it's a danger sign. Of course, Capitalism and health care are lousy mates.
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Re: Planet America

Post by stanky »

Last bit:
The value of natural immunity is essentially ignored, even though it may provide one with better protection and fewer side effects.
The case for everyone needing the boosters is damn thin. You certainly haven't made one.
I've got it now, btw. Maybe my 3 shots are keeping it tame? Or is it other factors, like losing weight, kicking bad habits,exercising?
There's no double blind data for comparing the vaccine to other approaches of protection. There's no money in it.
That's part of the unspoken bias of our flawed health fancies drugs and procedures over prevention. Over time, both tend to unravel in favor of better options. We get better drugs and surgeries. Yet we aren't as healthy as Cubans.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:40 pmIt would be more effective, overall, imho, to institute a campaign for increasing one's vitality and nutrition.
Excellent plan. Get everyone fit and vegan and nobody dies.

Steve Jobs thought that, too.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:54 pmI see this is mostly pointless.
No question about that. It's like dear old Di and climate change. No matter how much evidence presented, there's always a but...but...whatabout... counter.

At least Di was adult enough to understand that while I hated her position we could still have a yarn and laugh at fuckwits.
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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:17 pmThat's part of the unspoken bias of our flawed health fancies drugs and procedures over prevention.
That's why our life expectancy keeps falling.

Another few generations and kids will be dying so early stillborns make up most births.
stanky wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:17 pmYet we aren't as healthy as Cubans.
It's a crying shame you're not still a member of ISF - there's a bloke there who's in love with Cuba and their health system.

No doubt that why no Cubans try to leave the place: ... b2c1af4aac
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Re: Planet America

Post by grayman »

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Re: Planet America

Post by Admin »

Hmm. 3 Palestinian students shot.

Something suggests to me this might not be a random act.
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