The Religion Thread

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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Admin »

Pell attacking Franky for being too liberal is one of the most ironic things ever.

If Franky had been liberal towards paedophile priests Pell woulda been his biggest fan.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Di Wundrin »

Pope Benny and Pell cleaned out within a week or so. Franky's looking frail. the Vultures are gathered. More to come from God and Co. HQ?
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by sparks »

Didn't Pell check out recently?
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Admin »

Yep, and if the religionistas' version of Hell was true, he and Benedict the Nazi would be presently having their balls roasted on Satan's BBQ.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Di Wundrin »

sparks wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:44 pm Didn't Pell check out recently?
Yesss!!! 50 years late but finally!

Thing is, he died 'suddenly and unexpectedly' as they tend to do in the Vatican circles, as a consequence of "complications" during?after a routine hip operation.

This 'surprise demise' occurred just days after it was revealed he'd been spreading the word that Franky was too 'woke' and the Church needed to get back to the old attitude, and already secretly campaigning for his more 'pious' replacement! .

You don't get to plot against the Papa and live in that outfit!

Pell was possibly the most widely detested Aussie for a Century including Rolf Harris.

He had it all. Arrogance, God complex, sneering disdain for lesser beings, career focused to the extent of actively protecting paedophile priests to prevent bad press for the Church, and by extent himself.

Was he a kiddie fiddler himself? probably but despite being jailed for it, the evidence really was 'stacked' (by his enemies in the Vatican according to rumour, and he had a few! he was their Treasurer!) so in the cause of fairer justice than he ever dispensed .. unproven.
His greatest proven crime was in his actions to protect those who he KNEW were abusing kids, and then using the Church to attack the victims as liars.

A nasty piece of work that we're well rid of, but the manner of his passing has a delightful tinge of Karma in it. He wielded the power of the Vatican 'mafia' and now appears to have in turn, succumbed to the cost of his own arrogance in breaking it's 'rules of Omerta'. neat. bwaahahaha.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by sparks »

Saw a Q and A via YouTube with Hitch, Pell and some other guests who were mostly idiots.


Hitch wiped the floor with Pell and the more ignorant in the audience question period.

Should have bookmarked it.

BTW, the host is also an ignorant dick. Have they fired that ignorant fuck yet?
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by arthwollipot »

Admin wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:35 pm Yep, and if the religionistas' version of Hell was true, he and Benedict the Nazi would be presently having their balls roasted on Satan's BBQ.
No, if the religionistas' version of Hell was true, they'd be sitting on cloud nine strumming harps right now because what they did was considered "virtuous" and "pious".

Fortunately it's not, and they're just dead.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by grayman »

Catholic officials seek loophole in WA bills on child abuse reporting: ... reporting/
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Admin »

sparks wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:28 pm Saw a Q and A via YouTube with Hitch, Pell and some other guests who were mostly idiots.
Hitch was a fucking legend. Man, I miss that guy.
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Re: The Religion Thread

Post by Di Wundrin »

Yeah, we're really missing Pell too, NOT! Huge funeral, everyone making sure the bugger didn't get out.
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