trump off the CO ballot

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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:46 am Why would he refuse to move over for a younger candidate, knowing what the polls are saying, if he wasn't a narcissist?
There's plenty of video of Biden lying, even when he has no reason to. Cynical shit. He's bragging about b.s. employment #'s and the robust economy while the news shows desperation. Charades.

You been scammed.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

Caitlin Johnstone nails it with this letter about the election: ... Dissidence

it's read in the 1st 5 mins of this clip from Due Dissidence.

This explains my drift from the DNC and traditional liberal politics.
They changed; turned hard right. I stayed left.
The other main team did the same; even harder rightward.
Neither matters. Quaint that people are ready to kill each other over the perceived difference in parties.

too fragile.
we're too easily manipulated; too propagandized; too full of shit.

rejecting the charade is one way to connect with people and paths that have heart.
the rest is a study of corruption, at best.

why does the u.s. sell weapons to 103 countries?
does it add strings to their use?
any bribery involved?
why can't voters effect this ugly reality?

can something else take the place of our missing voices?
are we complicit in the senseless bombing if we refuse to acknowledge it?
or if we're chumpy enough to believe the candidates, whom are always against war?

imho, it's our duty to learn how things work and to penetrate the clouds of dis-information and obfuscation...however unsettling.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

Foam the runway, stanky.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by Admin »

stanky wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:55 am can something else take the place of our missing voices?
are we complicit in the senseless bombing if we refuse to acknowledge it?
Respectively, no and yes.

The difference between us is really simple.

I agree with you that the system is rotten, corrupt, and vile.

You're an idealist and think it can be fixed.

I'm a realist and know it can't be. People are almost all wage slaves without the ability or desire to do anything, so I take the path of least harm and carry on.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

maybe the most rational response...
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

Admin wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:46 am
stanky wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:55 am can something else take the place of our missing voices?
are we complicit in the senseless bombing if we refuse to acknowledge it?
Respectively, no and yes.

The difference between us is really simple.

I agree with you that the system is rotten, corrupt, and vile.

You're an idealist and think it can be fixed.

I'm a realist and know it can't be. People are almost all wage slaves without the ability or desire to do anything, so I take the path of least harm and carry on.


although i don't really think it can be fixed, either.
metaphorically, there's the un-fixable reality; the conspiracy, if you will, against life in general.

life extension gurus think we'll whoop death; that it's merely a disease. not that i agree, but even so, there's the 2nd law to contend with. It's akin to the personality of the universe. The corruption within this microcosm fits nicely with the big picture.
The path of least harm is analogous to the path with heart.

reality is woo as fuck, oddly enough. that's why i'm able to talk to spiders as though they're human. Harmless, so far. Not selling it.

hey, speaking of cutting edge science, i'm reading a delightful book:
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli.
(he tackles some deep stuff with a poetic flair that manages to make it an easy read.)

relatively, that is. quite the skill.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:23 pm ... life extension gurus think we'll whoop death; that it's merely a disease. not that i agree, but even so, there's the 2nd law to contend with. It's akin to the personality of the universe. The corruption within this microcosm fits nicely with the big picture.
Here´s me waving bye bye to the catheter, been sporting that since the surgeon removed my prostate a week ago. Glad that shit´s behind me.

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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

damn, Prez!

mine's been acting up.

did they let you keep it?

did you do the 'roto-rooter' thing first?

without that gland, how will you know when to get up all night to pee?

If my ego was as swollen as my prostate, i'd be exuding confidence.

best to you. hope your dick is ok.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by President Bush »

stanky wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:24 pm damn, Prez!

mine's been acting up.

did they let you keep it?

did you do the 'roto-rooter' thing first?

without that gland, how will you know when to get up all night to pee?

If my ego was as swollen as my prostate, i'd be exuding confidence.

best to you. hope your dick is ok.
My PSA had been elevated for years, 6ish, 7ish. Has your doc checked yours? (prostate specific antigen)

Got the prostate biopsy back in December, showed a not terribly aggressive cancer but one involving over half the prostate. Different parts of the prostate are targeted based on an MRI and also ultrasound during the procedure. Cores are taken and the specimen cells classified 1 to 5, 1 being healthy differentiated cell, and a 5 being a really fucked-up undifferentiated aggressive cancer cell.

2s are healthy differentiated cells, 4s are undifferentiated fucked up cells. 3s are right down the middle.

The most common type cell found and the second most common type cell found in the biopsy give you two different numbers, which added give you what is called your Gleason score. You get a 3+3=6, thatś pretty much where the doctors say it´s ok to just keep an eye on it, see what it´s like next year, though you don´t want the prostate biopsy done much, they´ll just monitor your PSA.

Mine was 3+4 =7 in the biopsy, 4+3=7 in the prostate pathology. Not terrible but not good.

Theoretically could have lived with it but it was in over half my prostate. Statistically it would have ended my life before I would have died from something else.

Fairly major procedure, these days done as a laparoscopic robotic surgery, little holes are cut in you, abdomen gets inflated with CO2, and with all the micro instrumentation and tiny cameras the surgeon separates the urethra from the bladder. Urethra runs through the middle of the prostate, surgeon slices up the prostate and removes it leaving only the urethra behind.

thumbnail - 2024-03-12T160113.549.jpeg
thumbnail - 2024-03-12T160113.549.jpeg (27.7 KiB) Viewed 7381 times

Then the urethra is sewn back onto the bladder. Got to have a catheter stuck up your dick to drain the bladder until the new urethra/bladder sew job can heal a bit, abut a week. Glad to be rid of that motherfucker. Got constipated from all the ocxycontin, too, but over that now. ... ctomy.aspx

Important thing is that there has been no metastasis/cancer spread. Believe I am a-ok in that regard, bone scan, CT scan, pathology on the chopped-up prostate bits all good.

6⁻8 weeks of taking it somewhat easy, no lifting heavy shit, no strenuous work, plenty of easy walking is the thing to do. Maybe in a year my dick can get somewhat hard again, prostate surgeons try to leave the nerve endings around the prostate intact so maybe get your rocks off again a little someday though ain´t nothing going to come out.

I forget, you are about 74? Prostate biopsy is unpleasant. Judgement call if you want to go through all the procedures. Might just be something you die with, not die from.

But get your PSA checked if you want to learn a little more, it´s a simple blood test, nothing to it.
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Re: trump off the CO ballot

Post by stanky »

i've already turned down a biopsy date for my weenie and my lungs and my nerves, colon and a few others. The local health care seems to love the codgers; latch onto career chronic disease clients and they got an ideal customer. I'm over the hump of that stuff. not interested in playing patient with what's left of me. the stats seem to concur at this juncture. no advantage in treatment over neglect.
got a fake hip going bad. useless knee. osteo-arthritis; tinnitus; bph, copd, post nasal drip, alpha/gal syndrome, myriad injuries, hammer toe, corns, hearing and vision loss, cataracts, no teeth, drippy mostly limp dick, ganglion cysts, and more.

it's a wonder i'm so active and chipper. been on a last ditch bender of work here, while i can. hilariously under powered. moved a bag of white portland cement this evening. in two parts. full bag too heavy now. in fact, 1/2 bag too. clunky as hell being suddenly old as fuck.
i forget that i can't do what i could before. so i smash into stuff and drop things a lot. still, managed some chain saw art in a tree in the yard. it's an ape, climbing. old cedar (juniper) roots that had the right shape; added hands face and ass in tree. neighbor used his backhoe to lift it onto branches 15' up. catalpa. skinned it some. apologized; put on goo. got mary to climb on the roof of her car and then up a step ladder i was steadying so that she could put a naked barbie in the ape's fingers. good fit; good sport.
i carved a bright red ass on it. baboon style. freaky looking, soon to be invisible in the impending leaf explosion.

best to you both
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